Zombie Shootout is a 3rd Person Roguelike Shooter. You battle your way through unlimited waves of zombies in a random generated dungeon. Since in each wave the zombies deal more damage you should make the most of your Powerups (Double Damage Buffs – Health Kits) and Ammo.
Your ammo consists of three types:
- Ordinary Bullets (flat damage)
- Incendiary Bullets (damage over-time effect on zombies)
- Frost Bullets (slow effect on zombies)
The Health kits have two types:
- Instant flat heal
- Over-time heal effect
This tech demo was created by me and Kostas Dokos. I created the following systems:
- AI System for zombies
- Melee combat system for zombies
- All the powerups (Double Damage buff, both healthkits and all the ammo types)
- Custom spawn system – Each time you run the game zombies spawn points, ammo boxes, healthkits and double damage buffs appear on different places
- Wave and zombie enhancement system